Wi-Fi Hotspots

Toronto Public Library's Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending service provides Wi-Fi Hotspots to customers who do not have Internet access at home.

Why we're lending out Wi-Fi Hotspots

Internet access has become an essential part of the services the library provides. We are already hubs for free internet, with people often waiting to use in-branch computers to look for jobs, check email, study or fill out government forms. People who do not have internet access at home are at a disadvantage, and the library aims to bridge the digital divide by lending out Wi-Fi Hotspots for free.

How the service works

Wi-Fi Hotspots will be available to walk-in customers on July 3, 2024. They will be due back on January 3, 2025. Customers need a Toronto Public Library card to borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot. For information on how to get a library card visit Your Library Card.

Wi-Fi Hotspots are distributed first-come, first served, while quantities last. Once the Wi-Fi Hotspots are all distributed, there is no waitlist or holds process. Please check back for updates or contact your nearest participating branch for more information.

Participating Branches

*During Centennial's closure additional hotspots will be available at Barbara Frum.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

TPL developed the Hotspot Lending service to help provide more equitable access to the internet for all Torontonians. As such, customers who fit all of the following criteria are a good fit for this service:

  • Customers should have no home internet access.
  • Customers must have a TPL library card.
  • The service is aimed at customers who live in Toronto.
  • Participation is open to customers of all ages.
  • Hotspots are limited to one hotspot per household.
What data plan do the Hotspots come with?
Hotspots are equipped with an unlimited monthly data plan.
How long do participants get to keep the Hotspots?
Up to six months. Participants must return the Hotspot to the original lending branch.
Are there overdue fines?
Consistent with TPL policy, there are no overdue fines for Hotspots. Hotspots that are past due will be disabled and must be returned to the original lending branch. Hotspots will be considered lost after 30 days overdue. There is a replacement fee of $199 for a lost or damaged device.
What if people lose the Hotspot?
There is a replacement fee of $199 for a lost or damaged device
Will the library monitor participants' internet use?
No, TPL doesn't monitor, collect, or store data about users' internet activity.

Community Agency Referrals

TPL encourages community agencies to contact their nearest participating branch to refer specific clients for the service.