Royal Fanfare — Birthdays

Cavalcade of the White Rose

The Magic of the White Rose

From: Beschreibung des Festes der Zauber der weissen Rose, gegeben in Potsdam am 13, July 1829, zum Geburtstage Ihrer Majestät der Kaiserin von Russland
Contributors: Gaertner, Eduard; Schoppe, Julius; Stürmer, Heinrich
Berlin, Germany: Gebrüder Gropius, ca. 1829
Identifier: 394.5 B262

Cavalcade of the White Rose, celebrating the birthday of Empress Alexandra of Russia

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Royal birthdays were often commemorated by the creation of a musical or theatrical production. Other forms of public celebration included pageants and jousting tournaments, popular from the Middle Ages right up to the end of the 17th century.

Name day cards and books with personal inscriptions were popular birthday tokens exchanged privately by royal family members.

In Canada, Queen Victoria’s birthday was celebrated with speeches by city dignitaries and lots of flag waving. The City of Toronto marked the day by distributing free loaves of bread to the crowds.

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printed ticket

Queen’s Birthday 1859. Good For One Loaf.
Toronto, Canada, 1859
Identifier: 1859. Queen’s birthday

Ticket for a free loaf of bread, provided by the City of Toronto, to celebrate the Queen Victoria’s birthday.

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